The Animation Re-Targetter (Pro_to_BND ) is a huge part of the Red9 ProPack pipelines and workflows. Designed over the last 5 years to offer clients the ability to remap, on mass, any animation library to a fresh rig and bounce that data over to various formats.
If you're working with us all our Red9 PuppetRigs come with the base BND binder file, if not you can still create these manually within the toolsets. We go through some of the extreme mapping added to the systems, including the new Spine re-fit solver, giving far more consistent data, perfect if you're moving data between MoBu and Maya consistently.
This is the absolute backbone of a modern pipeline, giving you the ability to simply reuse animation data from any source in your project.
As always please drop me a line if you'd like to take the ProPack for a test drive!